Call for Rational use of Antibiotic

July 18, 2012 at 12:01am
From physician survey it was evident that 55.57% of the doctors prescribe antibiotics in suspected infection while only 33.46% of them prescribe antibiotics in confirmed cases. 40.22% of doctors prescribe antibiotics in cold and fever before any diagnostic test. Moreover, 37.31% of doctors prescribe antibiotics for pleasing the patients

The widespread and inappropriate use of antibiotic results in the development of a progressively antibiotic-resistant microbial ecosystem in Bangladesh. This is clearly indicated by the high prevalence of antibiotic resistance among community.

We call for rational use of antibiotic with followings
1. Diagnose infections first-whether community or nosocomial in nature
2. Isolate or predict infecting pathogen
3. Knowledge about antibiotic susceptibility of the pathogen in the locality, country and region.
4. Select an appropriate narrow spectrum, low- cost, 1st-choice bactericidal drug
5. Prescribe for appropriate duration
6. Ensure adequate concentration at the site of infection
7. Inform patient about potential side-effects


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